Wednesday, August 12, 2009

In the First Quarter of my TLE subject

I encountered many things to learn and discoveries in our first grading period. One of this is the history of INTERNET. We learned and get aware of the 'past' of internet. Internet is now a useful source that many students and even teachers use to get information and data for their assignments, projects, research works etc. I also learned that in making or creating 'internet', many lives are sacrificed and I can say that it is worth it.

I'm enjoying learning these kinds of information to add to my knowledge but there are also some problems. In using the computers, I encountered one. It is the quality of the computers. I am not saying that it is not useful but it is just too old for us to use. In problems regarding in our class, the problem is, we cannot move comfortably because of the narrowness of our classroom. For now, these two are just the problems I encountered but in speaking of challenges, I am not really so good or I am not very familiar with internet.

In every problems,
there is always solutions. In solving these problems, I would rather cooperate for us to move freely. I will also behave myself next time,
mize my pretty loud voice during the class and most of all, I will listen to my teacher more than chatting to my seatmates to be able to focus in the lesson that
my teacher is teaching us.

In our next grading period, I will do my
best to have a high grade and I
will be more active and attentive in class.
For the things I don't know yet, I will ask for help for me to do and finish my work faster and even earlier to the deadline.

These are the things I can say about our TLE subject. I like it, I love it, and even get t
o addicted to it!!!


remalyn said...

"nice work joseph,continue your work"

princess said...

.. well, Mark Joseph my dear.. you have a talent in writing.. you have a wide idea..

.. keep it up my dear!!!

.. congratulation!!!

marisse said...

nice blog
keep up the good work
god bless you!!!!!!