Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Adapting to Diverse Science Culture for Development"

The question is, "how can I adapt myself to varied science cultures for a developed nation?

I can adapt myself to varied science cultures for the development of our nation by doing the 3R's (reuse, recycle, reduce), by helping the government and supporting their activities regarding in protecting our Mother Earth, by planting trees and by projecting that our nature is important for us because we can be easily recommended in international events concerning in natural resources. An example of these is "New 7 Natural Wonders of the World." Many of our natural resources are nominated to it. This is just one of the example we can be proud of. But what are we doing? We are damaging or even destroying our ecosystem. Can't we think of what will be the product of the activities which are bad? Think of it and realize that our environment is really important and in danger.

Plant a tree.

Feel the heartbeat of our Mother Earth.

Don't let it die because we will be the one who will suffer.
Protecting our nature from flash floods, mudslide, landslide, soil erosion and mostly from global warming is everyone's role in preserving our environment and let us do it for our ALMIGHTY GOD.


angelique said...

ah mm!! nice blog and nice post!!
keep up the good work Joseph!!
and you will be a successful writer someday!!

+ miX.jEng! + said...


nyc post!!!

kip it up...


bOuNce bakk!!!